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A Magyar Királyság szláv etnikumú ortodox parókiáinak liturgikus-könyv importja

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Gyűjtemény: Status = Published

Type = Book Section
A Magyar Királyság szláv etnikumú ortodox parókiáinak liturgikus-könyv importja
Földvári, Sándor
Doncsev, Toso
Menyhárt, Krisztina
H. Tóth, Imre
BL Religion / vallás
CB History of civilization / művelődéstörténet
DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
Tartalmi leírás:
There were various Slavic ethnic groups settled on the
territory of The Former Hungarian Kingdom. Their Churches
were different for being organized on ethnic principles and
independent each from other as well, however, all of them
followed the Byzantine rite in the liturgy. Apart from the
North-Eastern and Eastern parts of Hungary, dominated by the GreekCatholic (i.e. Uniate) Church of The Rusyn and partly The Rumanian, the central and southern parts of the country were settled by Serbs who belonged to the Orthodox Church.
(As to The Greek, they are not to be concerned in the paper
for they have not shown activity in book import from very
Slavic countries, mainly from Russia.) The Serb immigrated
into Hungary on different causes and in different times. The
waves of their immigration were evidenced by the records
written in the liturgical books, too (that is, the
marginalia). Those books printed in southern typographies
(e.g. Venice), were brought by Serbs during their coming in,
for no booksellers worked for them from the south direction.
On the other hand, great activity of the Russian booksellers
was evidenced by archival data and marginalia as well,
because Serbs, settled already on the new places, imported
their further liturgical books from Russian and Ukrainian
typographies. Thus Russia gave great support for holding the
Serbian cultural heritage in this way, too, among other
means. Although Queen Maria Theresa forbade the import of the
books from Russia in 1773 and established the Typography of
Kurzböck at that time, the book trade from Russia did not
stopped then, in spite of the prohibition, for the books,
those published in Vienna, were not willingly accepted by The
Serb. Thus the Serbian parishes continued to import the
liturgical ?also secular? books from Russia in underground
ways, e. g. by students, later became teachers at Serbs. In a
consequence, by studying the provenance of the books, we have
got further evidences of activity taken by Russia in favor of
keeping the Orthodox heritage. The Bulgarian appeared on the
scene of history of The Hungarian Kingdom in a later period ?
although they have had contacts with it for thousand years?,
when the ?Royal University Press in Buda? was already
established and it played a great role in support of national
awakening of the Slavic peoples. For this later epoch can not
be discussed in details within the framework of the paper,
the author is giving a further essay on them, too, and is
focusing on the Serbian parishes as to the 15-18 century
Book Section
Földvári, Sándor (2011) A Magyar Királyság szláv etnikumú ortodox parókiáinak liturgikus-könyv importja. In: Magyarország és a Balkán vallási és társadalmi kapcsolatai. Bolgár Kulturális Fórum, Budapest, pp. 192-207. ISBN 978-963-08-2970-0