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Anyanyulak választása különböző fészekanyagok között (előzetes eredmény)

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Archívum: MTA Könyvtár
Gyûjtemény: Status = Published

Type = Conference or Workshop Item
Anyanyulak választása különböző fészekanyagok között (előzetes eredmény)
Farkas, Tamás Péter
Szendrő, Zsolt
Matics, Zsolt
Mayer, A.
Radnai, István
Gerencsér, Zsolt
SF Animal culture / állattenyésztés
Tartalmi leírás:
The aim of the experiments was to examine which nest materials were preferred by multiparous does to build the
nest. The examination was conducted at the Kaposvár University. In the experiment 1 (n=27 does) and 2 (n=20
does) three and two racks were installed with hay, straw or fine fibre material /Lignocel®/, and with hay or straw,
respectively, in a pen (1 x 0.91 m) with a nest box. The experiments lasted from the 27th day of pregnancy till the
day of parturition. 24-h video recordings were taken. Videos of rabbit does were evaluated during the whole time
of the experiment (5 does/experiment). The occasions of carrying the nest materials from the racks were
registered. In experiment 1 the number of nest carrying occasions was significantly higher only on the day of
parturition in the case of all nest materials, and differences were recorded on the nest material carrying occasions
between the nest materials on every experimental day except on the day of parturition. The number of nest
carrying occasions/hour from Lignocel® rack was higher than in the case of hay or straw on day -4, -3 and -1
(compared to the day of parturition). No amount of straw and very little hay was carried on days -3 and -2. Every
nest contained Lignocel®: 88.9% of does kindled in nest with pure Lignocel®, 7.4% mixed with hay and 3.7%
mixed with straw. In the experiment 2 t the nest material carrying occasions were significantly more frequent
every day in the case of straw material. The number of nest material carrying occasions was the highest on the
day of parturition. More does used purely straw (65%) than hay (20%) for building nest. In 15% of cases, rabbit
does collected nest material from the other rack as well. 80 % of the nests contained straw, 35% contained hay
Conference or Workshop Item
Farkas, Tamás Péter and Szendrő, Zsolt and Matics, Zsolt and Mayer, A. and Radnai, István and Gerencsér, Zsolt (2016) Anyanyulak választása különböző fészekanyagok között (előzetes eredmény). In: 28. Nyúltenyésztési Tudományos Nap, 2016.05.25, Kaposvár.