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Csoportosan tartott anyanyulak viselkedése és helyválasztása négy egybenyitott ketrecben

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Archívum: MTA Könyvtár
Gyûjtemény: Status = Published

Type = Conference or Workshop Item
Csoportosan tartott anyanyulak viselkedése és helyválasztása négy egybenyitott ketrecben
Farkas, Tamás Péter
Szendrő, Zsolt
Matics, Zsolt
Odermatt, Meinrad
Radnai, István
Gerencsér, Zsolt
SF Animal culture / állattenyésztés
Tartalmi leírás:
The aim of the experiment was to test the group housing system, examination of location aggressive and sexual
behaviour of rabbit does in four interconnected cages. The experiment was conducted at Kaposvár University
with non-pregnant Pannon White rabbit does (n=16). The temperature was 15-18 ºC, and 16-hour daily lighting
was applied in the room. The rabbit does consumed commercial pellet ad libitum and water was available from
drinkers. A 1.00 x 1.75 m open top pen was divided into four individual cages (0.5 x 0.875 m), and four does
were placed in it. At the beginning of the experiment the does were placed in the closed cages, individually, to
get used to their own cages. Three days later the doors among the cages were opened to allow the does move
freely, and the experiment lasted for 14 days. 24-h video recordings were made on days 1, 3, 7 and 14 after
opening the doors. Number of rabbits was counted in the cages at every 15 min. The behavioural patterns
(fighting, chasing and mating attempts) were observed continuously. The injuries were registered on days 8 and
14. Except on day 1 (46.6%), the majority of rabbit does stayed separately on days 3, 7 and 13 (54.5%, 62.8%
and 61.2%). In most cases (53-68%) two does were in one of the cages, and the others were individually, the
second most frequent (12-32%) location was when all does were individually. Except for day 7 more rabbit does
located in their own cages than the expected probability on all days. Frequency of all examined behavioural
patterns was highest after hours opening the doors. The number or fighting, chasing and mating attempts were
highest on day 1 (23, 128 and 178, respectively) and these figures were 1, 26 and 34 on day 13. Higher
frequencies of injured rabbits (25%) were observed on day 8 than on day 14 (6%). Housing the rabbit does in
group in interconnected cages is not recommended.
Conference or Workshop Item
Farkas, Tamás Péter and Szendrő, Zsolt and Matics, Zsolt and Odermatt, Meinrad and Radnai, István and Gerencsér, Zsolt (2016) Csoportosan tartott anyanyulak viselkedése és helyválasztása négy egybenyitott ketrecben. In: 28. Nyúltenyésztési Tudományos Nap, 2016.05.25, Kaposvár.