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Kaposvár 61-es út 2. lelőhely Árpád-kori embertani anyagának paleopatológiai vizsgálata

  • Metaadatok
Archvum: MTA Knyvtr
Gyjtemny: Status = Published

Type = Article
Kaposvár 61-es út 2. lelőhely Árpád-kori embertani anyagának paleopatológiai vizsgálata
Németh, Csilla Emese
Bernert, Zsolt
Gallina, Zsolt
Varga, Máté
Pap, Ildikó
Hajdu, Tamás
Magyar Biológiai Társaság
CC Archaeology / régészet
GN Anthropology / embertan, fizikai antropológia
Tartalmi lers:
investigation of an Árpádian Age series from Kaposvár road 61, Site 2. The skeletal remains of
202 individuals, 54 males, 60 females, 88 subadults and adults of undeterminable sex were
analysed in an Árpádian Age series from Kaposvár Road 61, Site 2. The life expectancy at birth in
the studied population was 22.7 years, the sex ratio was balanced. Enthesopathies (E),
degenerative joint diseases (DJD) and Schmorl-hernia (SH) were the most common pathological
alterations. The pattern of E, DJD and SH prevalence by sex and age was analysed. There was a
significant difference in the frequencies of the E on the patellae between males and females, and
between adultus and maturus age goups. Sex differences could be explained by the heavier physical
load of the knee joints in males. A considerable difference was observed between the adultus and
maturus age groups also in the prevalence of spondylarthrosis and arthrosis deformans.The reason
of this fenomenon can be explained by aging and the deterioration of joint structures. Significant
sexual differences were found in the prevalence of spondylosis, arthrosis deformans and
spondylodiscitis, as well as spondylarthrosis. This observation could be explained by the sexual
differences in the physical loads of individuals, with the exception of spondylodiscitis.
Approximately one third of specimens affected by periostitis. These results, together with the high
incidence of endocranial lesion, suggest the possibility of high prevalence of infectious diseases in
the studied community. Hematologic disorders, particularly poroticus hyperostosis (PH) were of
high prevalence in the sample. PH was present in higher rate among young females than young
males. The fast growth of these individuals, menstruation, pregnancy, giving birth and also breastfeeding
could have been the possible causes of this fact. Several rare diseases were also recorded;
an adult male suffered from bone tuberculosis, an adult female from leprosy. An osteoblastic
metastatic bone cancer of a mature female was observed as well.
Németh, Csilla Emese and Bernert, Zsolt and Gallina, Zsolt and Varga, Máté and Pap, Ildikó and Hajdu, Tamás (2015) Kaposvár 61-es út 2. lelőhely Árpád-kori embertani anyagának paleopatológiai vizsgálata. Anthropologiai Közlemények, 56. pp. 61-90. ISSN 0003-5440