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The role of neighbourhood in the regional distribution of Europe

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Archívum: MTA Könyvtár
Gyűjtemény: Status = Published

Type = Article
The role of neighbourhood in the regional distribution of Europe
Fábián, Zsófia
GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography / gazdasági-társadalmi földrajz
H Social Sciences (General) / társadalomtudomány általában
Tartalmi leírás:
The role of geographical space in social and economic research has gained more
importance, resulting in the increasing significance of mathematical-statistical methods.
In order to determine the cause and effect relationship more thoroughly, factors
representing territories have also been taken into account. These numerical factors are
called geographical parameters, and with their assistance the importance of proximity in
the spatial division of society and economy is revealed.
It is important to mention that thematic maps are used to visually present the
distribution, implying a connection between the geographical space and certain
phenomenon. In comparison spatial inequality indicators are used to measure the level of
and change in distribution, but neither of them provides information on the role of
spatiality. In order to gain information on these factors we need more complex methods
and geographical parameters.
The most common spatial variables are distance, neighbourhood, borders, and
geographical latitude and longitude. From the above mentioned factors I am going to be
concerned primarily with neighbourhood. The analysis of neighbouring relationships is
one of the major issues today, as more and more cases have shown that the influence of
neighbours should also be taken into consideration. Waldo Tobler?s statement made in
1970 ?everything is related to everything else, but closer things are more closely related?
is considered to be the first law of geography (Tobler 1970).
Previous studies on the same subject also testify to the importance of the influence of
neighbours on the differences in development in Europe (Ertur & Le Gallo 2000, Tóth
2003, Szabó 2006).
In my study I examine the extent to which neighbouring regions in Europe are similar
to each other regarding their economic development; how the high and low values are
distributed in a given region, and whether they are clustered or random. Both European
and regional processes are examined, which allows the findings of the whole process to
be interpreted more clearly
Fábián, Zsófia (2011) The role of neighbourhood in the regional distribution of Europe. Regional Statistics : journal of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 1. pp. 122-134. ISSN 2063-9538