Ugrás a tartalomhoz


Imakönyvek a katolikus lány- és nőnevelés szolgálatában a 19. és 20. század fordulóján

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Archívum: MTA Könyvtár
Gyűjtemény: Status = Published

Type = Book Section
Imakönyvek a katolikus lány- és nőnevelés szolgálatában a 19. és 20. század fordulóján
Frauhammer, Krisztina
Barna, Gábor
Kiss, Endre
Gyöngyösi, Orsolya
BL Religion / vallás
BR Christianity / kereszténység
LA History of education / neveléstörténet
Tartalmi leírás:
I wish to draw on a so far little researched and studied
group of sources, the prayerbooks and use the findings to
present Catholic girls? education and more specifically its
principles at the turn of the 19th to 20th centuries.
Although the prayerbooks do not directly reflect the actual
state of affairs, it is my hypothesis that they effectively
contribute to creating the expected stereotypes. This becomes
especially important in the period concerned when the
possibility was being created for girls to participate in
education, and this also meant that they would be drawn into
the circle of readers. The new reading market led to the
appearance of new genres and the reinterpretation of old
genres. In the course of the 19th century the prayerbooks
published and brought out in new editions especially for
women and for young girls in educational institutions for
young ladies can be considered to belong to these new or
reinterpreted genres. Their main role was in religious and
moral education, in counteracting the popular literature that
was rapidly spreading especially in the big city environment,
and in constructing the ideal of the Catholic girl.
Book Section
Frauhammer, Krisztina (2014) Imakönyvek a katolikus lány- és nőnevelés szolgálatában a 19. és 20. század fordulóján. In: A CSALÁD EGYKOR ÉS MA. OR-ZSE, Szeged; Budapest, pp. 157-166. ISBN 978-963-306-293-7