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?It is only extra information??: Social representation and value preferences of gay men in Hungary

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Archívum: MTA Könyvtár
Gyűjtemény: Status = Published

Type = Book Section
?It is only extra information??: Social representation and value preferences of gay men in Hungary
Takács, Judit
Kuhar, R.
Takács, Judit
Mirovni Institut
HM Sociology / társadalomkutatás
Tartalmi leírás:
Nowadays the grounds for existence of homosexual identities can be
questioned: in an increasing number of societies we can witness that
homosexuality loses its identity constructing capacity. In these places
homosexuality is not a focal point of social attention any longer, and
while same-sex attraction can remain an important factor in organising
one?s individual life, it will not hinder the social integration of individuals.
Thus if homosexuality still has a strong identity constructing capacity in
a society, it can suggest that the given society is dominated by exclusive
monolithic homosexual and heterosexual identity patterns which can
threaten the successful social integration of people.
The presupposition of my research is that the salience of homosexual
identities?attributed by outgroups, and internalised by ingroup members?
is a social symptom. The (potentially unifying) concept and the
practical realisation of homosexual identity can be seen as the product
of social stigmatisation and discrimination: the greater the proportion
of signs of rejecting individual difference, the more widespread personal
and group identities are organised by and around these differences. This
type of stigmatisation can be interpreted in general as a social symptom
reflecting the rejection of the right to be different.
This paper presents findings of empirical research conducted between
1998 and 2000 in Hungary on the social representation and the value
preferences of Hungarian men identifying themselves as gays.1 In the
first part of the paper I will present quantitative research findings on
the specific value preferences of Hungarian gay men that could be interpreted
as indicators of the existence of homosexual identities. In the
second part I will present qualitative findings focusing on the connection
between social representation of homosexuality and the development of
threatened identities.
Book Section
Takács, Judit (2007) ?It is only extra information??: Social representation and value preferences of gay men in Hungary. In: Beyond the Pink Curtain: Everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe. Politike Symposion . Mirovni Institut, Ljubljana, pp. 185-197. ISBN 978-961-6455-45-9