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Infrastrukt?ra: helyzetek, n?zetek, szeml?letm?dok = Infrastructure in Hungary: Situations, Views, Attitudes

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Archívum: MTA Könyvtár
Gyűjtemény: Status = Published

Type = Article
Infrastrukt?ra: helyzetek, n?zetek, szeml?letm?dok = Infrastructure in Hungary: Situations, Views, Attitudes
Fleischer, Tam?s
K?zleked?si Dokument?ci?s Kft.
HE Transportation and Communications
Tartalmi leírás:
Az infrastrukt?ra h?tt?rbeszor?t?sa kezdetben ideologikus volt, de mindm?ig ?rdekelts?gen alapul. A forr?seloszt?s ?gazatk?zi csat?iban az egyes ?gazatok felhaszn?lj?k a cs?d kil?t?s?val t?rt?n? forr?s-zsarol?s ?rveit ?s fegyvereit. Ezek, ?s az ?gazatokon bel?l m?k?d? hasonl?an pazarl? ?s tendenci?zus sziszt?m?k megv?ltoztat?sa n?lk?l a piacra hivatkoz? ?korszer?s?t?s? is hamis v?g?nyra fog futni.
A szerz? ?ltal?nos ?rv?ny? k?vetkeztet?seket pr?b?l levonni egy k?vethet? szab?lyoz?s kiindul?s?ra ?s elvi kereteire vonatkoz?an, az al?bbi t?zisek szerint.
(1) ideologikusan is h?tt?rbe szorult az infrastrukt?ra,
(2) a bajok oka nem a kev?s p?nz, a megold?s kulcsa sem a ?t?bb p?nzt az infrastrukt?r?ra?
(3) nem ?j?? ?gazati strat?gia a forr?s-zsarol?s a cs?d kil?t?s?val,
(4) infrastrukt?r?n bel?l is hib?s jelsz? a ?priorit?s a termel?snek?
(5) az infrastrukt?r?ra is jutott p?nz, ha fontosnak t?nt,
(6) eloszt?s helyett t?bb piacot az infrastrukt?r?ban,
(7) h?z?hat?shoz ?s motorszerephez is piaci k?rnyezet kell,
(8) vannak piacos?that? infrastrukt?r?k ?s vannak extern?li?k,
(9) stabil peremfelt?telekre ?s mozg?kony visszajelz?sre van sz?ks?g,
(10) t?neteket kell m?rni, ?s strukt?r?kat kell ?p?teni.

Infrastructure in Hungary: Situations, Views, Attitudes - Tam?s Fleischer -
In the Central- and Eastern European countries the neglecting of infrastructure first had an ideological basis, but the lack of interest has remained so far. While fighting for resources individual economic branches use the weapons and arguments of threatening with bankruptcy. If this state and the intra-sectoral systems of wastage cannot be changed, "modernisation" even with permanent reference to the market will lead to a wrong direction. The author tries to state the start line and the theoretic frames of a followable regulation along the theses below.
(1) The infrastructure was suppressed by ideology,
(2) The cause of sickness is not the insufficient amount of money, the solution is not "more money for the infrastructure",
(3) Not a useful sector-level strategy is blackmailing for more money by threatening with breakdown
(4) Even within the infrastructure "give priority to production" is a mistaken slogan,
(5) The infrastructure also got money when it was especially important,
(6) Instead of distribution "More market" is needed in the infrastructure,
(7) Market environment is required for a real driving effect, for an effective engine role,
(8) There are both marketable infrastructures and externalities as well,
(9) What we need are stable boundary conditions and flexible feedbacks,
(10) We have to measure symptoms and construct structures
Fleischer, Tam?s (1990) Infrastrukt?ra: helyzetek, n?zetek, szeml?letm?dok = Infrastructure in Hungary: Situations, Views, Attitudes. K?ZLEKED?STUDOM?NYI SZEMLE, 40 (5). pp. 193-196. ISSN 0023-4362